How to connect SSH in Linux? · In Linux, How to connect through SSH over LAN and WAN, What makes the difference from LAN and WAN, How is it achieved over...
Need to write a Review Paper for you Phd. · Mendeley is a reference management software by default it best supports Windows and Microsoft Office Tired of...
Workaround, if you are not using ipv6, Disable ipv6 at kernel level by passing a kernel parameter at startup, update the grub. Open file to...
color setup for ls · LS_COLORS is an bash environment variable to set the color of the files listed in bash environment with ls command. for current...
For pacman auto-completion to work, If you are using bash shell, You need to install the package 'bash-completion' pacman -S bash-completion
Installing GMIC Plugin in GIMP using pacman in Arch Linux · If you have already installed GIMP you can install G'MIC Plugin with pacman pacman -S...